I think it takes great courage to live our best life today.
I don’t think it matters if you are Bill Gates or you are homeless. I know that
is a stretch for many to wrap their minds around, but living our best life has
nothing to do with what we have or do not have. It has everything to do with
who we are. It means taking risks and sometimes looking like an idiot. It means
getting on the freeway and trusting that everyone will stay in their lane. It
means letting go when letting go is all there is to do, even when you want to
wave a magic wand and make everything okay. The wars on our planet have taken
on a different face and each of us struggles every day between wanting to
strike back and in the same breath wanting peace for ourselves, our children,
our families, and the world. At least I do.
On a recent call I was reminded not to be dis-couraged. To
keep my vision clear, myself planted and rooted in that vision. I was reminded
to do this so when storms tried to come in and blur up my landscape I would
hold true to what I knew was True. The analogy that came to mind was being on a
road in the fog, but knowing the city I was driving to was as assuredly up
ahead as the fog was blurring my vision. Courage. It takes courage to live our
best life, to have our voice spoken authentically. Because, even when I think
no one is listening there is always someone is listening. I am listening. And the only white stallion I know to carry
me forward is me. If I do not hear what I say, how can anyone else understand?
So I was guided not to be discouraged about anything. Not my
challenges, not my past, not whatever I think is preventing me from doing what
is mine to do. I was asked to remember the hazards of the fog so I could be present.
After all, it is not the fog that is dangerous; it is how we drive in the fog.
It can feel frightening because our safety also depends upon how others drive
in their fog. So I was reminded to drive mindfully knowing that my inner
headlights would show enough of the road to me so I could stay on the blacktop
and not veer off the edge of the cliff. I am counting on my inner “light bulb”
to show me the way so I don’t get “dis” couraged. I am hoping I do not “dis” my
courage. I want to remember that whatever my destination, fog is just part of
the landscape. I want to be aware of my hands on the wheel and my ethereal foot
controlling the speed. I choose to
remember that my best life experience is right now even though “right now”
might be foggy. I close with a quote from Pema Chödrön: “Usually we think that brave people have no fear. The truth is that they
are intimate with fear.”
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